Chocolate Enrober Machines

E220, Chocolate manufacturing machine





How to increase your production level and volume with a chocolate enrober

A chocolate enrober will increase your production level and volume. It will ensure a bigger and faster output volume and uniform finish of your products – no matter whether the products are completely enrobed, partly enrobed only or bottom coated.
Products to be enrobed are pralines, biscuits, dried fruits, cakes, toffee – and much more.

Our range of enrobing machines starts with a width of 220 mm – this model for artisans which has a chocolate lifting wheel. The range is then increased to the semi-industrial models with the widths of 240, 320, 400, 600, 800 and 1.000 mm – all supplied by a pump. The enrobers can be combined with automatic supply of tempered chocolate from an external batch tempering machine.

Start exploring our enrobing machines and discover how Chocoma can take your operation to the next level.